ONLINE BREATh and meditation workshop starts WEDNESDAY september 25th
build resiliency and
relieve stress with
breath & meditation
Join us in the ‘here and now’ to connect into the safety of the present moment
Coping with Uncertainty
Right now many of us are bombarded by financial, medical, and political stressors.
It can feel overwhelming to try and be with all that is really happening.
Engaging with others in breathwork and meditation can help ground your nervous system into 'safety' and build resilience to cope with stress, anxiety and uncertainty.
Registration ends September 25th
What can you expect?
Practice breathing and meditating with others for at least 20 minutes
Participate with others live and online so your nervous system can connect to safety
build resiliency
Connecting to the present moment, even for a few minutes, can help build resiliency to stress and discomfort
Learn how breath can empower you with agency to restore calm and ease
Inga Overstreet
Graduate level therapist intern
supervised by Cyndi collen lcsw-s
Inga is a mindfulness-based graduate level therapist intern at Flourish Psychotherapy & Nutrition.
Her areas of focus include anxiety, depression, relationship challenges, chronic pain / chronic illness / chronic fatigue, LGBTQ+ identities, grief, and life transitions.
“For me, my own mindfulness and meditation practice has resulted in me feeling more grounded and present, and it has made it easier to connect to others authentically. I enjoy practicing multiple types of mindfulness like walking meditations, nature walks, loving-kindness practices, and mindful eating.”